The “CAMPAIGNS” section provides a list of all the campaigns sent, scheduled, saved in draft, archived, and that have failed to send. Click the different tabs to see the list of campaigns for a specific category.
In the “SENT” campaigns, each listed campaign shows a summary of its most important statistics expressed in numbers and percentages. You’ll be able to see the send status of emails and the number of emails delivered, opened, and clicked. For more detailed data about the performance of your campaign, click the campaign name or the “VIEW REPORT” button.
Sent campaigns can be cloned, allowing you to create an editable copy to produce a new campaign. They can also be archived by moving them from the “SENT” list to the “ARCHIVED” list. You can clone the campaign, archive the campaign or print its report by selecting the option from its drop-down menu.
In the “SAVED DRAFT“ section, you can edit your drafts by clicking the “EDIT“ button. Drafts can also be deleted or cloned.
The “SCHEDULED” campaigns section indicates the time and date your emails are scheduled to be sent. If you want to cancel the campaign, click “DELETE SCHEDULING”.
Campaigns in the “FAILED” section had problems that prevented the newsletters from going out. You can try resending them but if the problem persists, contact technical support.