Email Marketing and GDPR: Friend or Foe?
The GDPR explained: why the European data protection regulation is a resource and not an obstacle to growing your contacts.
The GDPR explained: why the European data protection regulation is a resource and not an obstacle to growing your contacts.
Few e-commerce websites run customized email marketing campaigns. But providing personalized content is crucial, and it’s what your customers expect.
Having clear and accessible statistics is essential for improving your email marketing strategies. But how to retrace the behavior of individual recipients?
Your company needs new customers and you can’t just sit and wait for them. Using cold emails to land new clients.
Drafting the subject of a newsletter can be difficult. Here’s a list of words that can trigger anti-spam filters.
Choosing the right colors in your email marketing will strengthen your message. This post will help you to select the right tones when composing your emails.
The footer of a newsletter helps build an aura of “respectability” that the recipient feels about the sender. It must be drafted with care and include a series of essential elements. Follow our advice and you won’t go wrong.
A long-term email marketing plan must include a strategy for automatic messages—autoresponders and transactional emails. Learn how real autoresponders work with our expert advice.
Too many unread emails? It happens to everyone. To convince subscribers to open your messages, write the preheader.
The arrival of summer, the quintessential holiday period, is the perfect time to create a themed newsletter, just like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentine’s Day.
Where are your customers inside the funnel? This post aims to explain why, if you sell a product or a service, the “funnel” is a marketing theory that concerns you.
The question is one that email marketers have been asked many times: can you quantify the success of a campaign based solely on the newsletter’s opening rate and the number of link clicks? To some extent yes, but you can do even better.
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