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Valentine's Day Templates

Show Your Contacts How Much You Care with Valentine’s Day Templates

Valentine’s Day is almost here, and now’s the time to make your lucky users’ hearts beat faster… by offering them a valuable opportunity to buy your product or service.

Here are our lovely (and brand new) Valentine’s Day templates:

  • Valentine's day gif discount - Newsletter Template

  • Valentine's day perfumery - Newsletter Template

  • Valentine's day jewelry - Newsletter Template

  • Valentine's day cat animals - Newsletter Template

  • Valentine's day cooking sweets - Newsletter Template

  • Valentine's day roses flower shop - Newsletter Template

  • Valentine's day romantic dinner for couples - Newsletter Template

  • Valentine's day fashion clothes for her and him - Newsletter Template

  • Valentine's day perfumes - Newsletter Template

You can use our templates immediately after logging into your Emailchef dashboard.

Our layouts are tested to perform on all devices and major email clients. Give them a try!

What to Write for Valentine’s Day

So what newsletter content would suit your subscribers on Valentine’s Day? You could offer:

  • A short break
  • A special tour
  • A romantic meal
  • A visit to a spa
  • Personal care products
  • A massage

Too traditional? So maybe suggest a playlist, a recipe for a meal using a product you sell, or an express delivery of flowers. Gadgets, accessories, and clothing can all work too.

“It is said that, in life, Bishop Valentine gave roses to couples to wish them a happy union.”

The possibilities are endless because—let’s face it—Valentine’s Day is also an excuse to give others and yourself a treat.

The Tone for Your Valentine’s Day email

It’s easy on Valentine’s Day to become trapped in stereotypes. But you don’t have to go all mushy on February 14, firing off heart emojis and using pink backgrounds. Remember that Valentine’s Day is a good opportunity to boost relationships with all your subscribers, even those who aren’t thinking about lurve.

The tone of voice that you take in your promotional email should vary with the product or service you offer. If sweetness is a must for a classic candlelit dinner, a touch of humor won’t hurt when you offer an opportunity to take home a romantic product.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Your customers will appreciate your spirit and your creativity, especially if you haven’t copied and pasted any slushy aphorisms about love in the title of the email.

The Subject Line of Your Valentine’s Day Message

The run-up to February 14 will be a competition for visibility in users’ email accounts. Things are going to get hot and heavy! But in email marketing there is no silver medal. You have to win the heart of your subscribers. The subject of the email is vital for generating the interest of a casual user scrolling their inbox.

Emojis with hearts ??? can be fine for the subject of the email but don’t forget to insert the placeholder with the user’s name in order to make communication more personal. This, together with the message, must be contained within approximately 60 characters (plus the preheader; we always recommend it).

But what should you write? We always recommend that you put yourself in the consumer’s shoes. Which sort of message would you click? Be direct and captivating. Refer to the “scarcity” of the product or service offered, and generate urgency.

What if Your Reader is Single?

Valentine’s Day email can work for singles too. In fact, here you can really have fun with voice and tone. There’s a good reason that China’s Singles’ Day is one of the country’s biggest shopping events as single consumers treat themselves both online and offline.

Did you know that Singles’ Day in China is November 11 because the 11-11 date looks like four lonely singles?

Everyone likes offers, even those who feel excluded or are indifferent to a special anniversary. If your contacts indicated their gender when they registered (and ideally, their date of birth too), it will be easy for you to send emails with content that goes right to their heart.


So what are you waiting for? Impress your contacts by using our templates for a great Valentine’s Day newsletter. And if it’s love at first sight with your contacts, we’ll leave the the toast to you. ?

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